Device Pitstop is the place for computer repair, including slow computers and computer viruses.

We recommend customers looking for virus protection purchase Norton Anti-Virus.  Norton Anti-Virus was recently rated the #1 anti-virus software by PCWorld.  In general, we are not big fans of integrated security suite software.  Our experience is that some of these software packages tend to slowdown computer performance. 

On the Internet, hackers and others that perpetrate viruses tend to go where the people are.  That means with the growth of Facebook and YouTube, more viruses are spreading through these popular sites.  Whatever site generates high traffic in the future will undoubtedly attract future viruses. 

Another option for customers is the Apple computer.  While Apple is not 100% immune from virus attacks, the vast majority of viruses are written for Windows operating systems.  Why?  Again, because the virus perpetrators flock to the big numbers:  Windows is still 90% of the market for operating systems, while Apple only comprises 7%. 

However, keep in mind that if you switch from PC to Apple, you will likely need to buy all new software unless you get a Mac and then boot into a Windows operating system.  But that does not solve the original problem of getting viruses, as you will be back on a Windows operating system.   You also have to get accustomed to working your way around a Mac, which is a different experience from a PC.

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