Dustin Brantford of Device Pitstop talks to Fox 9 News about keeping yourself safe from identity theft on your devices – and what to do when it’s time to get a new device and make sure it’s clear of all of your data. Source: tveyes.com There have been too many instances of people’s desktops, laptops, and tablets getting hacked, and it’s happening more and more frequently. It is crucial to keep yourself safe from hackers and identity theft. Thanks, Dustin. Nice job on giving us some good pointers. Take a look at the video…and don’t forget to stop in to your local Device Pitstop so their certified technicians can help you out with this issue personally!
DEVICE PITSTOP: We Make It Easy to Be Green!
At Device Pitstop, we make it easy to be green. In today’s world, being green and being kind to the environment is really important. At Device Pitstop, we follow that every single day.
We buy your gently-used smartphones, iPhones, laptops, MacBooks, desktops, and iMacs – and if we can’t fix them, we use the parts on other machines we repair or we recycle them for you in a responsible way. On top of that, you can get a like-new device from us that is also gently used – helping the recycling and reusing process even more. You also get a fantastic price on anything you buy from us along with a guarantee that it is in good shape and works great.
Stop in to your local Device Pitstop and see what we have to offer. You are being kind to the environment, purchasing a great device, and saving a boatload of cash – not to mention the cash we pay you on-the-spot if you just sell us your gently-used device. You’re being green, saving money on a like-new device, or just pocketing the cash – a win-win for you no matter which way you go!
Spring Clean Your Way Into Cash
With a little extra work, you can find dollars among your dust bunnies.
And, if you’re like a lot of people, you’re dreading it. But keep in mind that spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a complete pain in the neck. If you think about it strategically, you could make money the next time you pull out the vacuum, gloves and garbage bags. Here are four ways you could clean up while cleaning up. Continue reading
DEVICE PITSTOP: Maple Grove Home to Resale ‘Device’ Store
Device Pitstop Buys, Sells, Trades, and More
DEVICE PITSTOP: At Device Pitstop, Call Goes Out for Used Gadgets
As Americans update digital devices more frequently, Device Pitstop and others want to rescue last year’s models from the junk drawer. Sourced from: Star Tribune.
Olson, president of Minnetonka-based NTY Franchise Co., acquired a laptop exchange company in Las Vegas later renamed Device Pitstop, brought the concept to the Twin Cities and is now poised to expand it nationwide.
DEVICE PITSTOP: Device Pitstop Opens in Burnsville, Minnesota
Device Pitstop®, a national chain that buys, sells, trades, services and upgrades laptops and mobile devices at low cost, just opened in Burnsville. It’s a one-stop solution to laptop and mobile-device needs. Sourced from: Burnsville Patch Device Pitstop carries a wealth of laptops, tablets, smartphones and accessories including Windows, Apple, and Android devices and parts. They sell products well below original prices, backed by a 90-day warranty. They buy for cash or trade in. They have expert on-site repairs (including smartphone screens) and upgrades. There’s a knowledgeable, friendly, value environment. Continue reading
DEVICE PITSTOP: Used Tech Retailer Device Pitstop Expanding in Twin Cities
DEVICE PITSTOP: Resale Gurus Open Buy-Sell-Trade-Repair Concept Device Pitstop for Computers, Phones, and Tablets
DEVICE PITSTOP: Device Pitstop featured in Star Tribune and Dallas News
Device Pitstop was recently featured in both the Minneapolis Star Tribune and Dallas News websites in their articles“Retailers finding booming market buying used electronics”.
DEVICE PITSTOP: Protecting your Computer from Viruses
Device Pitstop is the place for computer repair, including slow computers and computer viruses.
We recommend customers looking for virus protection purchase Norton Anti-Virus. Norton Anti-Virus was recently rated the #1 anti-virus software by PCWorld. In general, we are not big fans of integrated security suite software. Our experience is that some of these software packages tend to slowdown computer performance.
On the Internet, hackers and others that perpetrate viruses tend to go where the people are. That means with the growth of Facebook and YouTube, more viruses are spreading through these popular sites. Whatever site generates high traffic in the future will undoubtedly attract future viruses.
Another option for customers is the Apple computer. While Apple is not 100% immune from virus attacks, the vast majority of viruses are written for Windows operating systems. Why? Again, because the virus perpetrators flock to the big numbers: Windows is still 90% of the market for operating systems, while Apple only comprises 7%.
However, keep in mind that if you switch from PC to Apple, you will likely need to buy all new software unless you get a Mac and then boot into a Windows operating system. But that does not solve the original problem of getting viruses, as you will be back on a Windows operating system. You also have to get accustomed to working your way around a Mac, which is a different experience from a PC.