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Category: Clothes Mentor

Clothes Mentor Franchisee Has Message for Women

In a great spot with Christine Ilvedson, who owns the Clothes Mentor in Fargo, North Dakota, she talks to women about being business owners –  and tells them they too can be successful entrepreneurs. And, with Clothes Mentor, you’re offered superior training and support in starting your own business in the very popular women’s resale business. Clothes Mentor stores continue to be welcomed into each community throughout the country…and this has success written all over it for a new business owner! Source:
screenshot of video from Fargo-Moorhead news station featuring Clothes Mentor

FARGO, N.D. – One-local business owner is showing women that they can be successful entrepreneurs.

Christine Ilvedson owns and operates Clothes Mentor, a woman’s resale clothing store.

The store pays local women for recycling their clothing and accessories, and has put up to $2 million dollars back in the pockets of customers.

Ilvedson has become a local pioneer in the growing resale industry in Fargo, and says she simply went for where she saw a need.

“And you know, I kind of just wanted to do something on my own, and like I said I saw a need for it in the community this opportunity presented itself and I went for it. It was a little scary in the beginning but you know it’s been five and a half years now,” says Ilvedson.

She also says connecting with customers was key in her store’s continued success.

“I’ve gotten to know the girls quite will, and have development some personal relationships with them so that’s really great that they are about the customers that much, and care about what’s going on with me and my life and put that forth in everyone that comes in,” says customer Bri Clemenson.

Statistics show that businesses owned by women make up 30 percent of all businesses in the country.

People Line Up for Clothes Mentor Rock Hill

At Rock Hill, South Carolina’s  grand opening today, over 175 people were standing in line before the doors opened. People are excited to have a Clothes Mentor in Rock Hill…where they know they will get high quality, gently-used designer clothing for a lot less. Congratulations on a successful store opening! Source:

You can watch the full video here.

ROCK HILL – A new brand name “gently-used” clothing store opened Friday morning in Rock Hill, drawing a line of at least 175 people, including one Fort Mill woman who arrived around 4:30 a.m. – 5.5 hours before the 10 a.m. grand opening.

Denise Mitchell was the first person in line at Clothes Mentor, located in the Winthrop Commons shopping center on Cherry Road. She and 24 people behind her received a $25 gift card from the store to buy shoes, clothes, purses, accessories and other items.

When Mitchell arrived, she said she took a nap in her car in the parking lot until other eager shoppers showed up. She had to be there early, she said, to buy a pair of pink Coach boots, which she quickly found inside when Shawn Cox, the Rock Hill Clothes Mentor owner, opened the doors.

women shopping in Clothes Mentor holding up pink boots and long pink jacket

Clothes Mentor has more than 130 stores across 29 states, including two stores in Charlotte. The Rock Hill Clothes Mentor is the fourth location in South Carolina.

Shawn Cox and his wife Alyssa own the store. Alyssa Cox was behind the register on Friday morning, scanning items and taking cash and cards from customers looking for a deal.

Most people in line said they were looking for new items for their wardrobe and Clothes Mentor’s used clothes gives them a chance to fill their closets without spending too much money.

Sara Starnes and her son Matt of Rock Hill arrived at 9 a.m.

“If he hadn’t taken so long eating breakfast, we would have been here at 8:30,” Sara Starnes said. The pair stopped by for a pancake breakfast at McDonald’s before joining the line outside Clothes Mentor on Friday.

Expecting her fourth child, Sara Starnes said “I look for discounts” and Clothes Mentor has items that “could suit everybody.” Starnes was shopping primarily for maternity wear, she said, and found Clothes Mentor to have items she needs for half the price of other stores.

Starnes and many other shoppers first swung through the store earlier this week when items weren’t yet for sale but customers could swap their own clothing for cash. Clothes Mentor is similar to a consignment shop. The store offers cash on the spot for gently-used designer or name brand pants, shirts, shoes and more.

On Friday, Shawn Cox raffled off gift cards to a salon and spa and other local stores. He and an army of staff helped manage the long line on Friday and, when the doors opened, workers stood back as shoppers swarmed the aisles.

A Rock Hill police officer was on hand for crowd control.

To help shoppers navigate the tight space, workers stored items in baskets behind the counter while customers shopped. That helps keep customers from lugging baskets or carts around the store.

The Rock Hill store is open daily at 725 Cherry Road. Monday to Friday hours are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. The store is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and 1 to 6 p.m. Sundays.

To sell clothes to the store, customers should wash their items first. No appointment is needed. The store may decline to buy clothes based on the item’s condition, its inventory, or the brand.

Favored brands include: Ann Taylor, Gap, J. Crew, White House Black Market, Chicos, Calvin Klein, Old Navy, North Face, Michael Kors, Prada, Coach and Burberry.

For more information, visit the store’s website or Facebook page.

CLOTHES MENTOR: Everything You Need for October

It’s October and at Clothes Mentor, we have you covered. Whatever you need for the season – whether it’s like-new scarves, coats, jackets, boots, or sweaters, we have a large variety of different styles for you to choose from. We carry high quality, designer pieces that are on-trend, modern, and gently-used.

Freshen up your fall wardrobe with some like-new pieces from  your local Clothes Mentor. Whether you’re walking through the pumpkin patch or walking through the office – you’ll look fabulous, trendy…and you’ll get some great pieces at fantastic prices!

Clothes Mentor fall fashions on model: boots, coats, scarves, sweaters


CLOTHES MENTOR: The Skinny Scarf

Scarves are one of those things that never go out of style. They bring a certain sense of chic femininity to your look and can add color and brightness to a neutral look. They are nice to wear for warmth, of course, too since it’s now fall. They’re a staple accessory that always works.

This season scarves are being shown on the runways as much slimmer with silky fabrics. The skinny scarf is a chic way to pull your look together and wrap – or double wrap – your neck in soft silk.

Add a bright color or pattern to pull your look together. It’s a fun way to keep yourself warm – and it’s modern and fashion-forward at the same time!

Clothes Mentor silky skinny scarves propped on a wood box with text that says skinny scarves

Clothes Mentor Lee’s Summit Reopens After Tornado

Congratulations to the Lee’s Summit Clothes Mentor store for reopening today after going through a tornado in July. We’re so glad you’re all okay and that things are getting back to normal. Stop by the Lee’s Summit Clothes Mentor and support them in the community as they make a new start! Source:

LEE’S SUMMIT, MO – Clothes Mentor is reopening its doors for the first time since an EF-1 tornado tore holes in the roof and forced the store to throw away its entire inventory of clothes.

“This entire store would have had to be replaced if it wasn’t metal. The counters were ruined. The walls had to be replaced, the fixtures,” said Clothes Mentor store owner Lee Gardner.

The road to recovery was a $100,000 one, covered by insurance.  No one was hurt in the store during the tornado despite two employees being inside at the time.

They choose one of the two bathrooms inside the building to hide in. It turns out that was the only room not damaged.

Gardner says there have been blessings through the rebuilding process.

“The outreach from the community and the customers that we’ve had and how concerned they were about us and wanted us to re-open, well they wanted to help us clean,” said Gardner.

The store will open Thursday, October 1,  2015- three months to the day of the tornado.

Expecting a big turnout, the store won’t start buying clothes brought in until 1 p.m., choosing to focus solely on sales for the first few hours.

Store hours will be 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.



Franchisee Becomes Clothes Mentor for Women in Fargo

Take a look at this fun interview with Christine Ilvedson, owner of the Clothes Mentor in Fargo, North Dakota.  Source:

Clothes Mentor Fargo franchisee in her store behind counter with baskets filled with clothes behind her
Christine Ilvedson


Clothes Mentor, the nation’s top women’s clothing franchise, buys and sells high quality, gently-used designer clothing, shoes, jewelry and other accessories that are like new — but for a lot less.

We recently spoke with Christine Ilvedson, owner of Clothes Mentor in Fargo, N.D., to find out more about her experiences in opening up a franchise. We learned what challenges she faced, how much she spent before opening the doors and what she would do differently if she had the chance.

How long have you owned a franchise?

Five and a half years.

What were you doing before becoming a franchise owner?

I was in retail management.

Why did you choose your franchise?

I chose Clothes Mentor because I saw a need for an upscale women’s resale store in our community. There were places in Fargo that paid cash on the spot for children’s’ clothing, another that paid cash for teen clothing but none that paid cash for women’s fashions.

What were some of the challenges you faced when starting your franchise?

Finding a great bank to work with who shared our vision was probably our biggest challenge. For a lot of franchises finding the ideal retail space to lease is challenging, but luckily we had no problem with that.

Where did you research or get advice about starting a franchise?

I spoke with other Clothes Mentor franchisees and with other entrepreneurs that had a lot of experience with franchising.

How much did you spend before your doors were officially opened?

About $120k, including $45k we paid to locals selling us their gently used clothing and apparel for inventory before we opened to sell.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Most days I’m on the sales floor greeting customers and sorting through clothing items they are looking to sell. Some days I work from home answering emails, working on marketing or doing payroll/bookkeeping, and some days I’m running errands or at meetings.

What is your secret to success?

Treat your customers really well, treat your employees even better and lead by example.

What would you do differently if you had to do it all over?

Looking back now there are a few things with our grand opening I would have done differently (time of year we opened and some advertising ideas). I also would have trusted my instincts a little more!

Where do you see your business in five years?

Hopefully growing and changing! We have expanded once but would love to expand again if the opportunity presented itself. Now that we are well established in the community we are looking to do more charity work and partnerships.

What is one trend that really excites you?

Clothes Mentor has a new loyalty rewards program that is so awesome! It is a great program that has a wealth of information for us as owners and our customers are loving it!

What are your three favorite online tools or resources and what do you love about them?

I love our online banking and online payroll resources.

We LOVE social media… especially Instagram and Facebook.

We have a great website for our franchise owners… all the resources and networking at our fingertips!

Do you (or did you ever) have a mentor?

I did not have an official mentor but sought advice from as many business owners as I could.

What advice do you have for others looking to own a franchise?

Go for it! Do your research and make sure there is a need in your community. Talk to as many other franchise owners as you can. Be positive and realistic.

Would you recommend others be franchisees? Why?

Absolutely! Clothes Mentor Corporate helped me SO much in our opening processes. I honestly would have been lost trying to do all that on my own. Everything from writing our business plan to ordering hangers was laid out for me in a step-by-step process. They are full of great resources and guidance.

Where can people get more information on Clothes Mentor franchise opportunities?

Visit the website here.

Where can people find your Clothes Mentor franchise on social media?

CLOTHES MENTOR: Statement Coats

It goes without saying that coats are always on-trend in colder weather, but this season it’s all about statement coats. It’s important the coat keeps you cozy, of course, but why not do it in style? There are some great statement coats that will keep you warm and chic at the same time.

Keeping in mind that you wear a coat every day as we get into colder weather, your coats can be key pieces in your fall and winter wardrobes. You want them to be modern and on-trend – while also fitting your lifestyle and your look.

Stop in to your local Clothes Mentor today and see what we have for some stylish, like-new coats. You will most likely find a very chic, designer coat in either a newer trend or a classic look that will keep you warm and in style – at a price you will love!

Clothes Mentor woman wearing neutral trench coat and shopping for new red coat, text that says statement coats

CLOTHES MENTOR: $$$ Money! Money! Money!….And Clothes, Shoes, and Purses! $$$

Here’s a great blog post on Clothes Mentor from fan Melissa Auvil about the West Chester and Springfield, Pennsylvania stores. In her interview with owner Chris Barnett, some top tips are shared on the process – and the great deals you can get on high quality, gently-used designer apparel and accessories that are like new. As Auvil says, “I also love the fact that I can clean out my closet to ‘trade in’ what I don’t wear any longer. Clothes Mentor is a resale store so they are always searching for fresh merchandise to buy from customers—including me!” Source:

Let me just Clothes Mentor model wearing long coat and leggings and tan boots, text that says cash on-the-spot and 10 most wanted itemssay, I’m a huge fan of Clothes Mentor (located in West Chester &Springfield). There’s been a lot of chatter surrounding the name ever since the stores opened 3+ years ago. And, I’ve done my research to offer you an insider look at the brand… Here are the three reasons why you’ll see me shopping at CM: 1. I can shop for looks I love at unbelievable prices. 2. Because I can get paid when I clean out my closet and sell to them (am I dreaming?). 3. And, because resale shopping/selling means I am taking care of our Mother Earth. Yes, I admit that I love the fact that I can find stylish clothing for an affordable price. Like the great, early-fall, NEW-WITH-TAGS sweater from White House Black Market. The Clothes Mentor Springfield location just had a pair on Facebook with original tags–priced at $84 and a Clothes Mentor price of $18! Back to school shopping put a huge dent in my budget so Clothes Mentor has been my saving grace. And, I also love the fact that I can clean out my closet to “trade in” what I don’t wear any longer. Clothes Mentor is a resale store so they are always searching for fresh merchandise to buy from customers—including me! I interviewed Chris Barnett, the owner of the West Chester and Springfield, PA locations, to find out how we, as busy moms, can maximize our payout when it comes to resale, while staying stylish at the same time. Chris, who has owned and operated these franchise locations since 2012, exclaims “everyone has something in their closet that they no longer use but we would love to buy!” She continues, “whether it is jewelry or a pair of shoes that just doesn’t fit right. Whether it is a winter coat you no longer wear or a designer bag that just isn’t your style. Everyone has something in their closet they could bring to the store to sell. The beauty of the model is that there is something for every customer and something we would love to buy from every woman.” Sounds good to me! So let’s have Chris walk us through some of her top tips to successfully selling at her stores:graphic of Clothes Mentor now buying list with checkmarks and text that says clothing, shoes, hand bags and accessories Me: Okay, I hear you –every woman has something to sell to Clothes Mentor. But what do we need to do to get the best offer possible? Chris: Great question because we do want to maintain the very best inventory and we do want to make an offer to every customer that sells to us! Here are my top 3 tips to prep your items for selling to us— 1. Make sure the clothes are in current style. We focus on current fashions and the latest fashion trends—what’s in the malls right now. Often, customers bring in items that are many years old and, while they may be in great shape or a classic look, we are able to make offers only on fashions less than 2 years old. 2. Make sure the clothes are in very good to excellent condition. Think about if you were shopping in the store and whether you would buy the item right now, in its present condition. Often, customers will understand the phrase “too well loved” when we have to pass on an item because it may be super stylish but the pilling on the sweater or the pulls in the lace or the slight staining around the collar are reasons we wouldn’t be able to make a cash offer. 3. Make sure the clothes are freshly laundered. Items we buy go straight to the sales floor so we work hard to make sure that we only buy clothes that customers want to try on and want to take home. Cigarette smoke smells, musty smells and pet hair on items are all reasons we cannot make an offer. Two frequent things we find are that a person puts items in a car with a smoker—just know that clothes and handbags grab that smell–or a person leaves their items at home and a pet thinks it looks like a comfy bed. We worry about our customer so we pass on items that could trigger allergies. Me: Now, once I have my items ready, what happens next? What’s the best time of year for people to trade-in their clothes? Chris: Hooray! So you just need to bring in your items to Clothes Mentor in a box, bag or basket—not on clothing hangers, please. In Springfield and West Chester, we buy 7 days a week. We buy all day, every day and don’t forget that we buy all seasons, too. Me: Any good stories of customers selling to you recently? Chris: Of course! We always have great buying days and we post our most favorite new items on our Facebook pages. We buy around 300 new items each day. We’ve recently purchased a large number of designer shoes in West Chester—many pairs of Christian Louboutins that sell for more than $400 but we are selling them for under $100. We also just bought several Michael Kors bags in Springfield from a “collector”. She had a cross-body bag, several totes and a metallic satchel. She put nearly $300 in her pocket since we pay the customer 50% of the floor price on designer bags! Me: 50% for designer bags? Chris: That’s right. The payout is generally 30-40% of the sales floor price for clothing and accessories. All pricing is computer generated—no haggling or negotiating, which is something I never enjoy. For designer bags, my stores offer customers a payout of 50% of the sales floor price: premium pricing for premium bags. Me: Sounds like I need to get shopping—and selling to you! It also strikes me that we’ve mainly been talking about selling clothes but you buy much more. Can you elaborate?Clothes Mentor pregnant woman wearing maternity tank top and necklace with text that says we pay cash for maternity Chris: Absolutely. We want to be a one-stop shop for the fashionable women in town! We buy shoes, jewelry, designer bags and wallets. We buy coats, jackets, scarves and belts. Oh, and don’t forget specialty lines like athletic wear and maternity. They can be so expensive in the retail stores so we love to buy current styles in excellent condition for moms-to-be and our workout warriors! We buy all women’s sizes, including petites, talls and, unlike most typical consignment stores, we love plus size items and are always requesting larger sizes from our customers. Me: Sounds great! So why do you love what you do? Chris: Aside from the fact that the customers have become my friends and my family, I believe in what we do at Clothes Mentor. I have a beautiful daughter that learns everyday about women taking care of women at our store. What a beautiful message. We cheer each other on when we get a great deal. We help everyone leave the store feeling beautiful and strong. By reselling your items, we make them more affordable for the next person and we are doing one more thing to help Mother Earth through the eco-friendliness of recycling. What’s not to love about all of that goodness? And there you have it, Philly Burb Mom readers, the truth behind the successful Clothes Mentor stores in our area. Maybe yoClothes Mentor young woman holding two shirts on hangers with text that says is there cash in your closetu sold to them or tried to sell to Clothes Mentor in the past and they couldn’t make an offer. My advice? Try again! Use these tips to put some extra cash in your pocket this fall—the stores are super popular and they are always looking to buy, so why not clean out those closets? Disclaimer: I’m so pleased to be a sponsored business partner with Clothes Mentor. All opinions are my own!

CLOTHES MENTOR: Sometimes It’s All About the Boots…

Sometimes it really is all about the shoes…or boots. The right pair can really make an outfit. And booties are really on-trend this season.

The great thing about a stylish pair of booties is they can be worn with just about anything. They look great with a short dress or a maxi dress, as well as with any length of skirt. A higher heel can elongate your legs and make your look more hip, a lower heel can add a casual vibe to your outfit.

No matter what trends you like this fall, add in a great pair of one of the biggest trends – a great short bootie – and you’re set to go! Stop in to your local Clothes Mentor and see the great selection they have of gently-used, like-new booties to update your look this fall.

Clothes Mentor model wearing booties with black leggings with text that says booties for fall

Love you style, and love what you pull out of your closet in the morning…but don’t forget to add a great pair of booties to make your look that much more modern and on-trend.

CLOTHES MENTOR: A Personal Shopper Just For You!

We all like to keep up with trends and be fashion-forward, but it’s hard in our busy lives. Too many mornings you probably just throw on whatever is fast and convenient. Why not have a personal shopper help you out?

At Clothes Mentor, we understand how crazy busy life can be – between work and your family and friends, there is often little time to do anything for yourself. That is too often the case with a lot of women…we do everything for everybody else and very little for ourselves. So why not let Clothes Mentor’s Personal Shopper Program make shopping fun again?

Clothes Mentor model wearing scarf and outside shopping center holding up several shopping bags with Clothes Mentor Personal Shopper logo

Just think of the idea of someone else shopping for you, giving you honest feedback as you try things on – and helping you to see your true style while being on-trend and modern. It’s something you can do just for you…and did we mention it’s FREE?

Check out your local Clothes Mentor and ask them about the Personal Shopper Program – or click on the link or photo to go to the Personal Shopper page and fill out the form to schedule a free style consult. It just might be one of the best things you have done for yourself in a long time!

Brandon Yeager

Brandon Yeager

Software Engineer

Software Engineer
Leah Weisbecker

Leah Weisbecker

Franchise Business Consultant

Franchise Business Consultant

Michelle Vaudrin

Senior Director of Operations

Michelle Vaudrin is the Senior Director of Operations for  Children’s Orchard and Clothes Mentor. Before joining Children’s Orchard in 2016, she worked in leadership roles for Burlington, American Eagle, and Macy’s.

Michelle attended the University of Wisconsin-Stout with a Retail Merchandising and Business Administration degree. She brings an extensive background in training in strategies, merchandising, customer service, and multi-unit store operations to the team.


Jenny Mann

Vice President of Operations | Executive Director of IT

Jenny Mann is the Vice President of Operations for Clothes Mentor and Children’s Orchard. In January of 2020, Jenny also took on the role of Executive Director of IT, overseeing BST, our Point of Sale system, and the e-commerce platforms for both brands. Prior to this, Jenny was the Director of Marketing for NTY Franchise Company since January 2013. Jenny started with the NTY Franchise Company in 2008 with Clothes Mentor and has held many roles, including; Store Manager, New Store Opener, and Regional Operations Manager. Before joining NTY Franchise Company, Jenny worked for Old Navy (Gap, Inc.) and Target in management roles.


Chad Olson

Chief Operations Officer

Chad Olson has been Chief Operations Officer of NTY Franchise Company since January 2007. From May 1994 to December 2006, he held various positions for Winmark Corporation (f/k/a Grow Biz International, Inc.), including Field Operations Manager for the Once Upon a Child concept from 1999 to 2002, and Regional Operations Manager for the Plato’s Closet concept from 2002 to 2006.

Sean Marrs

Sean Marrs

IT/Tech Administrator

IT/Tech Administrator
Marissa Stacy

Marissa Stacy

Jr. Graphic Designer

Jr. Graphic Designer

Ashlyn Aarness

Ashlyn Aarness

Social Media Specialist

Social Media Specialist
Ashley Huebner

Ashley Huebner

Director of Marketing

Ashley Huebner oversees Children’s Orchard’s marketing and advertising efforts to drive sales, build brand awareness, and lead the planning on how to market the brand effectively. She leads creative initiatives by driving the brands’ vision in aesthetics, tone, and trends to elevate our brand position as a leader in the resale category.

Ashley joined the Children’s Orchard team in 2015. Ashley has 10+ years of Graphic Design experience. Ashley holds a strong background in design, user experience, and a passion for creativity. She holds a BA degree in Advertising and Art.