Device Pitstop was recently featured in both the Minneapolis Star Tribune and Dallas News websites in their articles“Retailers finding booming market buying used electronics”.

The article speaks about the new idea of upgrading your electronics, instead of waiting for them to become broken and then replacing them. They speak about several different retail, “big-box” electronic stores that are starting to implement buyback programs, as well as looking at pawn shops.

Device Pitstop is mentioned for not only offering the same programs, but also for acting as a full-service computer repair store, where people can bring in technology and devices that are broken and get them fixed, or trade their broken devices for credit towards working devices. Selling both new and used products, Device Pitstop is a step above the competition.

You can find the articles at their respective news outlets by going to the following links:
Star Tribune: Retailers finding booming market buying used electronics
Dallas News: Retailers finding booming market buying used electronics

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